For more assistance, call us now: 860-245-1244

We’ll take care of your essential activities of daily living.

Personal care is a vital component of our home care services; it caters to our clients’ daily living activities, in which they may have difficulty doing. Caring Angels Homecare has a team of caregivers who can provide effective care and assistance for you or your loved one’s everyday needs, such as:


Our caregivers help seniors with bathing to avoid injuries and accidents while in the shower. They will make sure that seniors will be well attended to in order to maintain safety.


While seniors’ joint pain makes it difficult for them to move their arms, our carers will help them with dressing and undressing when necessary.


Going to the kitchen may be stressful for seniors, but our caregivers can help them with meal preparation and eat on time.


Schedule a health assessment today. For more details about our services, please send us a message here.